berry berry berry
i listen to his podcast today - LOL
first he excuses for trying to scam the casanova fags
"Well, i was try to make money and i was in LA and they are going to do programs anyways, so why not me"?
"im berry, i was ridiculous instructor and scammed people im sorry, most pua gurus are scamming people i hate the scene il never do a seminars or bootcamps"
lol, you gotta love this dumb fuck
also i think dumbo is realise that he made a mistake deleting the forums. jesus christ. ya think?? u dumb fuck
but great comedy laughing at this fuck
It's not that unusual for me to Fclose my buddies. It's a REAL shit test that most dudes can't handle. Trying to outframe my cock in your doggy ass with my balls poppin off your junk basket like a cancerous loaded clit is a powerful reality check that screens out the real PUAs from the boys.